Friday, 12 April 2013

What is Pre-Employment Screening and Why Is It Important?

At The Renwick Group we are noticing a trend in the number of organizations, particular small companies without HR resources, take on our pre-employment screening services.

Basically, the employer wants to make sure that the applicant who is in the final stages of getting the job, is properly vetted, screened and all the final resume checks are made to determine that everything presented is true and honest.

In the course of pre-employment checks a number of factors may, individually or in combination, raise concerns about the integrity or reliability of the applicant. Credit report checks for example, can provide assurance that there are no significant credit or debt problems that could place the individual in a vulnerable position.

Other factors to look out for include:
  • involvement in illegal activities
  • criminal convictions relevant to the role, particularly if not volunteered by the applicant
  • false or unsubstantiated claims on the CV or application form
  • unsubstantiated qualifications
  • unexplained gaps in employment history
  • adverse references
  • questionable documentation e.g. lack of supporting paperwork or concern that documents are not genuine
  • evasiveness or unwillingness to provide information on the part of the candidate.
Pre-employment Screening
Pre-employment screening can be also be used to confirm an applicant's identity, nationality and immigration status, and to verify their declared skills and employment history.
Additional Security Screening
With some employmnet situations, addtional security is required for the position and we can add a security screening process, including:
  • more robust procedures on confirming the individual's identity
  • a five year employment confirmation
  • robust financial checks for Court Judgements and bankruptcies
  • more robust procedures where career and history records are incomplete
  • Deep criminal records checks
  • Detailed migrant worker checks with visa and paperwork validation
Hiring qualified, honest employees is critical to the success of your organization being diligent with your hiring process can be important.

We understand that hiring the right candidate can involve more than just pre-employment screening and a criminal background check.  Using the most reliable technology to search nationwide and beyond - instantly in many cases - The Renwick Group delivers the decision-making information you need. Criminal background checks, verifications, license checks and many more employee background check services are moved at speed so you, and your business, can move forward.

The Renwick Group - - 1 (888) 722-9807 - is a private investigation firm founded in 1997 and is based in Barrie, Ontario, covering Toronto and South Central Ontario. We excel in delivering our core Private Investigation Services in the most efficient, secure, and professional manner.​

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